HOYOGO has our own factory,these advanced machines and better experienced workers make sure that our PCB is exactly what you need.
As a PCB industry,we of course own relational certifications,proving we are not a bad choice.AT present we have owned EU Trademark,ISO9001,ISO14001,ZPMV2.E350325,ZPMV8,E350325,ISO13485 etc.. In the future we will get what our clients care about.
If you worried about the product quality,you'll watch the product flow all the way, just as comfortable as you can get in. At the same time we also have the control management center with AVIs machines,our engineers must censor the product before shiping to our customers.
More and more customers are anxious about cycle and delivery,our boss,Mr. Anandal Liu all the time stress that if every client who have or will trust us runs off from HYG,the little error will be bigger and bigger.So until now our clients are still our clients,no one runs off.
We not only want to expand our market,but also want to help someone in trouble,win-win and growth are the only way to make a friend with you.