As an environmentally friendly surface treatment process, Immersion silver is to deposit a layer of silver with a thickness of 6-18u” on the surface of copper ...
2019/04/03OSP is the abbreviation of “Organic Solderability Preservative”, also known as a Preflux. It refers to an organic thin film layer chemically formed on a clean ...
2019/03/29PCBs surface treated with immersion gold and gold plating have strong oxidation resistance and conductivity. They’re slightly better than the surface treatment ...
2019/03/26The base purpose of PCB surface treatment is to ensure good solderability or electrical properties. Since copper is oxidized in the air, the composition of cop...
2019/03/22For PCB boards, common PCB production colors are red, yellow, green, blue, and black colors. But green solder mask are most commonly used. So people may have this questio...
2019/03/19We need to know that during the PCB assembly production, solder paste and flux usually produce residual substances. The residue contains organic acids and deco...
2019/03/15In our daily life, we often use electronic products. A lot of electronic components are used in each electronic product, so we often hear the words PCB and PWB...
2019/03/11We usually need to use FPC on electronic products to reduce its size and develop the products in direction of high density and miniaturization.Including FPC,l...
2019/03/07The PCB substrate is the basic material of PCB production. Generally, PCB substrate is copper clad laminate. For example, based on the substrate, the single an...
2019/03/01China's Pearl River Delta region is the main production base for the electronics industry, and Shenzhen is a well-known regional representative. FPC prototype manu...